Scene2Model Tool
Suggested Time
30-60 min (to automatically transform and enrich scenarios previously set with physical figures)
Level of Difficulty
Group of about 4-7 participants
- SAP Scenes(R) paper figures
- Tags
- A table with a transparent top (glas or plexic)
- web-camera
- Laptop, desktop computer
- Scene2Model software (download from OMiLAB
- Installation guide

Storytelling is a prototyping technique where key points are displayed as scenes using materials like cardboard figures or comics. It serves the purpose of collecting and refining ideas, but also clarifying how exactly the product/service is intended to bring value in a specific context and how the information flows.
The Scene2Model tool aims to:
(1) automate the transformation of the SAP Scenes® haptic prototyping tool and to enable user to capture their innovative idea in a digital environment, where they can
- enrich ideas (i.e. storyboards) with further properties and information (e.g. with business process interaction points, which capture the specific value delivery points of the enterprise)
- modify and save the storyboards
- make the storyboards available to other team member for further action
(2) provide a digital design environment addressing relevant aspects of design thinking, which companies can download for free, and which they can use to experiment with their innovative ideas by, for example, linking them to business processes or other enterprise specific artefacts.
ALTERNATIVE 1: Combination of haptic SAP Scenes(R) and Scene2Model tool
Preparation (to be done once): print SAP Scenes® figures, glue tags provided with the Scene2Model tool to the figures, set-up the table, and configure the web-camera
- Position the elements into different scenes according to your scenario.
- Import each scene (or several scenes) automatically in the tool.
- Enrich/modify scenes with properties/graphically etc., automatically generate storyboards, link with business processes.
- If desired, upload model or graphics to your Private Space here on the DIGITRANS portal to share with your team or other stakeholders.
ALTERNATIVE 2: Prototyping directly in the Scene2Model tool
Preparation (to be done once): Download and install Scene2Model tool from OMiLAB, at
- Model the scenes according to the problem setting you want to solve and introducte all necessary information.
- If desired, upload model or graphics to your Private Space on the portal to share with your team or other stakeholders.
Further Reading
Working with Scene2Model video: