Revise your vision/strategy of your digital business model
Suggested Reading Time
45 min.
Suggested Implementation Time
Evaluation and revision of the digital business model roadmap needs to be done regularly, based on the key milestones and phases of the digital transformation journey.
Role of Participants involved
Learners need to read the text and to work on their own lessons learned checklist, composed on previous stage. Additional support can be received in the DIGITRANS incubator spaces.
Lessons Learned checklist (pdf)
Lessons Learned checklist (.pub)

During this phase, learners will understand how to revise the vision and the strategy behind the digital business model according to the lessons learned and feedback received. In order to improve the digital business model and to make it more efficient further analysis will be made how business can become leaner, more agile, and more cost effective. Accelerating the adoption of key digital and analytics capabilities and processes requires further adaptation of the change management strategy and constant work for selection of appropriate technologies.
- Analyze the lessons' learned checklists and your current gaps in the digital business model implementation. Define the current stages, milestones and characteristics according to the digital transformation roadmap.
- Assess the capacity of the company to fulfil the vision and the strategy for business model digital transformation. Assume the additional external and internal ressources (fnancial, technology, competences and others) that are necessary for completing the vision and the strategy of the company.
- Develop a revised and more precise vision and strategy for digital transformation by adopting the necessary changes.
- Communicate and discuss the revised vision and strategy with all stakeholders and assume that everybody understands and supports the changes.