Suggested Reading Time
30 min.
Suggested Implementation Time
1-2 months testing phase
Role of Participants involved
All team members have the same, equal role

Collaboration is more than just cooperation. It is about sharing information, knowledge and experiences as well as working collaboratively together. These are important aspects in our today’s working environment. By using collaborative working tools, e.g. project management platforms, shared document systems, shared communication tools like slack etc. the knowledge, information exchange as well as the overall transparency within your company increases and contributes to a more open and innovative atmosphere within the teams which again leads to more ideas in the overall working process. In addition, open collaboration also simplifies cooperation within interdisciplinary teams from different departments working remotely together.
- If your company does not yet possess a collaboration platform choose one collaboration tool (see link below) with which you will be working throughout the project phase.
- Define within the team for which tasks and how the collaboration tool will be used.
- Set up a channel throughout which relevant information will be shared to the whole team.
- Use the communication channels to share relevant information e.g. from the analysis or the testing phase within your team.
- Define core topics relevant for your project around which you want to share information.
- Encourage the team to also share information, experiences around the project you are dealing with.
- Enlarge your network, invite also other people not working on the project to join your communication channel to benefit from their expertise.
Further Reading:
How to select the best business collaboration software - Advice from experts: