

Suggested Time

ideally several days, in a workshop at least 60-90 min.

Level of Difficulty



3 interviewers at most so that the interviewee is not intimidated by being outnumbered.


Pen, paper, recording device


Conducting interviews is essential to gather insights and understanding of the needs of your potential customer you want to address that cannot be achieved via desk research. The aim of conducting interviews is to better understand the motivation, behaviour, intention or opinion of your potential customer in relation to your problem, challenge, product. Ideally, interviews should be conducted with representatives of each customer/ relevant stakeholder group and in the place where they are working/living so you get a better understanding of their mindset, behaviour and lifestyle.


  1. Define roles for the interviewees (e.g. interviewer, note-taker, photographer)
  2. Prepare the questions and keep in mind to design them as open as possible
  3. Start with broad questions (person’s life, values and habits) and later on move to more specific one with respect to the challenge
  4. Write down exactly what the person says and not what you think is meant – ideally take notes regarding the mimics and gestures
  5. Analyse the interview
  6. Present your findings