Bring your employees on board - Introduction
Suggested Reading Time
30 min.
Suggested Implementation Time
Implementation of digital culture and development of a digital mindset can take months but it needs to be put in place gradually.
Role of Participants involved
Participants needs to read the text and to reflect on their own change management plan by filling the templates. Additional support can be received in the DIGITRANS incubator spaces.
Employee Involvement Checklist (pdf)
Employee Involvement Checklist (.pub)

In this training module we’ll try to encourage you to adopt a digital cutlure transformation mindset. You will understand how change management approaches work for employees, bringing everybody on board and ensuring that everyone in the company knows their role. As the change management phase is crucial for the company success, it will be split in three sub-phases: communication (what will happen and why), training (how the change management will happen), and reward system (encouraging actions and motivating company culture and behaviour, coeherent to the digital change).
More specifically this module will teach you that the changes:
- begin by appreciating the past;
- need sense and future images (visions, strategies, targets);
- need professionalism (concepts);
- start in ones' "head" and in ones' "heart";
- are a learning process;
- are a "personal" matter;
- are always accompanied by conflicts;
- require transparent communication;
- require a marketing strategy.
- Ensure that everybody from the management board is fully aware, recognises and supports the digital transformation process, including the needs, resources and efforts for adopting a change management programme;
- Identify the current situation - estimate the company culture, assess the company digital maturity level, evaluate the motivation, capacity and the recognizsed needs for trainings of the employees;
- Develop a change management programme considering all four aspects: technological aspects, company processes, organisational aspects, corporate culture and staff competences and attitude;
- Develop and align a coordinated communication, training and change management programme and projects and allocate time and resources for it;
- Prepare change management incentives including both extrinsic motivation (external stimuli, such as a bonus) and intrinsic motivation (internal incentives, such as more responsibility);
- Ensure a good organisation for all change management projects and incentives. Digital transformation and change management programmes should be organised carefully bringing all employees on board.