Qualification of your employees


Suggested Reading Time

45 min.

Suggested Implementation Time

Implementation of training programmes for different employees can take months but it needs to be put on place gradually.

Role of Participants involved

Learners need to read the text and to relfect on their own qualification plan by filling the templates. Additional support can be received in the DIGITRANS incubator spaces.


Knowledge Map (pdf)

Knowledge Map (.pub)

Competence Analysis Template (pdf)

Competence Analysis Template (.pub)

Competences revelant for digital change (pdf)

Competences relevant for digital change (.pub)


During this phase, you will understand how to organise and develop training and qualification programmes for ensuring both necessary skills and appropriate attitudes among staff for succeeding with the digital transformation process. The learning programmes should cover two main aspects of the digital transformation process. The first is to ensure that every employee can reflect on how his or her job positions will be digitally transformed, including its new roles, new responsibilities and new digital skills.

The most critical part for the digital transformation process is on a mid-level management, who is the main trigger, responsible for digital initiatives, bringing products, services and offers to the market and working closely with customers and stakeholders.

The developed qualification programmes will require building relevant digital capabilities that fit with the strategy and priorities on all levels of the business.


  1. Develop the knowledge/skills map identifying the key digital skills and new competences required on all levels of the business. Define the new job requirements and employees competences;
  2. Identify gaps in the skills and competences across job roles;
  3. Set up appropriate internal qualification programmes or select among the existing qualification programs and external training providers that will allow you to build relevant digital capabilities, fitting to the new strategy;
  4. Train leaders and change managers in order to allow them to implement the company's vision and to equip them with skills and competences to execute their specific mission and to be able to motivate the others in order that change happen;
  5. Adopt appropriate company learning culture and instruments, encouraging knowledge sharing, collaboration, teamwork, organizational knowledge management programmes, open innovation incentives within the ecosystem and ensure that all employees have access to them;